Report on election observation mission – The Swedish European elections, 25 May 2014

Observations and recommendations

Six observers from the Swedish International Liberal Centre visited a total of 18 polling stations in Stockholm (Gärdet, Old Town and Rinkeby) on Election Day (from 07:30 til around 23:00). The stations were visited in groups of two, and each station was observed for 15 to 60 minutes. The observers came from Sweden, Lithuania and Belarus, and had previous experience of election observation in Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Azerbaijan. Participants were provided with badges with their name and “election observer”. This report contains the group’s recommendations and observations.

The short-term objective with individual election observation missions is to alert authorities and the public about fraud and shortcomings in the electoral system, and to suggest measures to deal with those shortcomings. The long-term aim of electoral observation is to improve the electoral systems and thus citizens’ confidence in democracy.